The dedicated tool for Time Series based analysis.

  • Integrate your data and look at the changing world
  • Unleash the potential of Machine Learning
  • Speed up data management & focus on your core activity
  • Build complex and value added data
  • Drive your data governance through your team expertise
  • Ready to use : get started today

The power of The Timeseries Refinery

Tailor-made features for your needs


All your time series, in one shared data referential. Accessible from a unified API point that transparently links all your data silos. Calculated series are all exposed in the catalog just like any other series.


Data storage is highly optimized for versioned data with simple time travel and backtesting capabilities. Access on the fly to external or legacy time series storage, without the need for data duplication.

Data Transformation

A low code formula system to transform your raw data into enriched indicators. Time travel capabilities are enabled in all levels of aggregation. Extendable to your specific needs. The little streams make the big rivers.

Data Mesh

When your data lake becomes a data swamp, choose to build a data mesh with the Timeseries Refinery. Specialize your instances around business oriented teams and aggregate their work in a federation system. Build a meta-catalog fed by various teams in a horizontal integration.


Build dashboards with simple configuration files. Choose between a low-level library to build complex and informative plots in a business-oriented fashion integrate in your own dashboard or a high-level library to build stand alone websites of plots.


Run any python and R code with machine learning algorithms. Schedule it on a large scale. Insert your fully-versioned forecasts, visualize them on the fly and make them available to your collaborators. Easy access to logs and launchers.

Data Audit & Supervision

Build confidence in your data: audit the sources of any complex series. Explore the time series referential with multiple views ready to use. Look for any value of any revision of any series. In case of calculated series, explore recursively all the underlying components. Superpose multiple series on a whim to find correlations and covariations. Sometimes human expertise is the way to go : correct the data on the fly.


Evaluate the quality of your model with two dedicated API points: staircase and block-staircase. The required parameters are respectively a timedelta or a set of parameters with magic hours such as market opening/closing hour. Use the web UI for interactive backtesting of a collection of models and produce reports at scheduled time.

Task Management

Manage all your processes in one single app. Give your analysts autonomy to supervise the IT processes. Launch and schedule any python code (from scraper to models) and access the logs easily. Easily identify the failing critical tasks. Configure the parallelisation or serialization of your tasks

No matter who you are

Increase your team's efficiency

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Analyst & Data Scientist

Organize the chaos of available data. Explore and transform your data with simple and efficient tools. Automate your data process in one single place. Extract values from the data by building high level indicators. Manage and share your data referential. Enjoy the data referential built by other specialists.

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Explore new business opportunities faster and develop better performance for your teams. Share comprehensive, high-level data with your management to help them drive their businesses in an ever-changing environment. With 100% data traceability you are always in the driving seat.

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IT Department

Enjoy a ready to use tool, without new schema or API definition. Let the user be autonomous from data transformation to process management. Exploit the high modularity of the code (and its openness) to fine tune The Timeseries Refinery to your organization needs.

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Our offer

Subscribe to our premium offer and purchase additional services

Take a fresh start with a powerful tool

Installation Support

We can help you with the installation of the Timeseries Refinery in your own infrastructure. We can also host your Timeseries Refinery on our own cloud.

Training / Coaching

Learn to integrate the Timeseries Refinery within your teams: documentation is a start but good practices will launch you to the stars.

Ad Hoc development

We can build connectors to your own database, data feeds, web subscriptions and private API’s. We can also develop specific functionalities like custom access rights or specific interface, etc.

Specific maintenance

Depending on your choice of deployment, we can provide full maintenance of your timeseries refinery or assist your IT to manage the tool.

When The Timeseries Refinery becomes a key asset in your organization, ensure your product continuity.


Add a security layer to your installation. Decide who has read/write access.

Dashboard Editor

Create dashboards in a blink of an eye. Share it with colleagues by sending them a simple URL.

Data Monitoring

Don't miss any data update issue. Be assured that your models work with the latest available data.

Version control & compatibility

Make sure you have the last version deployed on your infrastructure. Thanks to an up-to-date tool, you will keep the edge on your market.


Any breaking bug will be prioritized with your subscription. Benefit from a hot line for any operational issue and bug fix.

Core development

Keep the performance of the Timeseries Refinery up to speed and continuously integrate new fantastic features defined by the user community.

User community

By taking a Premium Subscription you will be part of our user community. Follow our development planning, post your dreamed request and vote for priorities.

Integrate easily ready to use time series from our catalog

eFlower CO2 emission forecast

CO2 emission forecast from power consumption designed to correctly stimulate and value demand response in 12 countries in EU. For more informations, go to eFlower website.

Model audited and approved by

Day Ahead power price forecast

5 days ahead forecast of EEX Day Ahead power market prices

Renewable production forecast

Country level wind and solar production for 12 countries in EU

Ever growing Open Data catalog


Ask us a quote

Open source

The Timeseries Refinery is an Open Source software

  • Highly flexible
  • Hackable
  • Scalable
  • The tool is entirely yours (not a long-term lease)
  • No license constraints
  • Full auditability through the source code

Built for developers

An API as simple as it needs to be

Homogeneous through the whole catalog, independently of the nature of the series.

API doc

Dedicated to versioned timeseries. Highly optimized for such operations, from storage to http transfer, accessible from the tip of your fingers: get any version equally as fast.

All data management operations accessible through the web UI are also launchable through the python API: data creation, formula definition and evaluation, and task management.

Behind The Timeseries Refinery

Meet the Pythonian team

Pythonian is a cross disciplinary team with various area of expertise : Software engineering, Data Management, Modelisation, Energy markets, Meteo/Hydro

About Pythonian


Designed and used by experts from: